All Fairfax Residents! Do a little spring cleaning, and come to Fairfax Take Back Day for a one stop shop for recycling and safe disposal of these items:
• Prescription Drugs and Medications (Until 2pm) (Open to all)
Household medications are the number one cause of childhood poisonings. They also pollute our waterways (please do not flush them down the toilet!). The Fairfax Police will be collecting the drugs until 2pm. Please no liquids, needles or sharps, only pills or patches. This is part of the Drug Enforcement Agency National Drug Take Back program, an initiative that addresses a vital public safety and public health issue. Medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse, and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are alarmingly high, as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Studies show that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet.
• Electronics Waste (Until 4pm) (Open to Fairfax Residents)
Conservation Corps North Bay will collect electronics for recycling including computers, microwaves, iPods, printers, cell phones, TVs, remotes, etc.
• Free Paper Shredding (Until 4pm) (Open to Fairfax Residents)
Marin Sanitary Service will shred up to two boxes of your sensitive documents. Please no plastic, folders, or binders. Staples/paperclips OK! Please no binder clips.
GETTING THERE: Walk, Bike or Drive through the drop off spots in the Fairfax Pavilion Parking lot. Please enter from Bank Street.
FREE COMPOST FOR FAIRFAX RESIDENTS. Bring it Home! Free compost will be available for Fairfax residents at Take Back Day! This will be the first of several deliveries to be made by Marin Sanitary Service in 2017. This compost is made from the food and yard waste collected in your green curbside carts. Since the delivery is shared with all Fairfax residents, please do not take more than five 5-gallon buckets (which provides about a one inch cover for a 40 square foot garden). Use of Compost: Compost is a soil amendment that improves the water-holding capacity and structure of your soil, but too much of it can harm your plants! It is recommended that you use no more than 1-2 inches on your annuals & perennials.
Sustainable Fairfax, Marin Sanitary Service and the Town of Fairfax bring this opportunity to Fairfax residents once a year.