Celebrate Fairfax at the Seventh Annual Fairfax Streets for People on Sunday, October 13, 2019, 10:00am – 4:00pm
Streets for People is a one-day “open streets” event on Bolinas Road in downtown Fairfax. The street is transformed into a gathering space for people of all ages to come together to enjoy our public commons. There is live local music, dance, crafts, shopping , a clothing swap and other activities. Local restaurants serve food outside creating an outdoor cafe setting.
Inspired by a Global Trend
This event was inspired by Ciclovia, a successful car-free program in Bogota, Colombia. Seventy miles of roadway is closed every Sunday, allowing two million participants to celebrate the city in a healthy environment free from cars. This program has also inspired the Sunday Streets program in San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, and across the nation.