The Fairfax Craft Faire is holding its first annual Baking Contest!
There will be two categories for judging: Cookies & Brownies and Cakes & Cupcakes.
Bring your bake sale donation to the Fairfax Craft Faire Bake Sale at the Fairfax Pavilion, 142 Bolinas Road (the red barn) by 10:45am on Saturday, December 13. Provide your name, name of dish, and ingredients list to be entered into the contest.
Fairfax Craft Faire hours are 11am-5pm and judging for the baking contest will take place at NOON. Judges
include Mayor Barbara Coler, Fairfax Council Member Renee Goddard, Taste & Kitchen owner Lorenzo Jones, musician Jack Irving, Lola’s store owner Joelle Levy, and owner of Aphro Cuisine Megan McCulloch.
Winners will receive a gift from Taste Kitchen & Table. Category 1 will receive a $25 gift certificate to Taste and Category, and Category 2 will receive one cooking class from Taste’s new cooking class series starting in January (value $65).
Entries will be judged equally on 1-appearance (1-10), 2-taste (1-10), and 3-ingredients (1-10).
For more information, contact